Yesterday was one of those days that involved getting a tube
put down my throat. Not necessarily the
best of days, but if we limit the category of days to those involving tube
insertion, it wasn’t so bad. The most
difficult part was the fasting beforehand.
For most people not eating after midnight isn’t really a problem, but
for me it presents some difficulties. Chicken
bullion is unfortunately just as filling a dinner as you would think.
Once I got there, the prep stuff went smoothly. Due to the events of this year, I have gotten
pretty familiar with seeing all the monitoring devices that they use, but this
was the first time they were attached to me.
I was a bit concerned about one of the numbers and graphs on the screen
fluctuating wildly, as I’m unaware of that ever being a good thing, but it
turned out just to be a defective respiratory rate detector. I don’t recall too much of the actual
procedure, an UGI endoscopy. Since it was well past my bed
time, the sedatives didn’t have too much work to do to knock me out. I spent a while recovering in the recovery
room and about as long waiting for the doctor to show up, and then I was on my
The results of the test ended up in the happy medium between
“we couldn’t find anything wrong with you” and “invasive surgery here we come.”
Pending biopsies, it turns everything is just significantly inflamed; I
developed a nice collection of itises. So
I get to take an otc pill twice a day and perhaps not ignore the suggested
dietary restrictions quite as much, but everything does appear to be capable of
healing on its own. Though they did seem
a bit concerned that I was only 29 and having this much inflammation.
After I was done I ate some food, wobbled home*, and slept
for some large amount of hours. Now my
sister’s here to visit and I can go back to staring longingly at the ipad
shaped box that Becky wrapped up for me.
* Becky and I weren’t sure which one us should use her cane
Merry Christmakah
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