Saturday, September 8, 2012

Break Time

In the course of keeping a blog updated, I ran into a slight problem.  See my laptop got a boo-boo.  The screen developed a crack and started oozing its inner contents. The screen now features a myriad of pretty colors, but the usability is bit on the low side.  I can plug it into the TV, but that is a little awkward for daily use.  And while I love my ipad, I haven't quite mastered the art of writing long rambling posts on it as of yet.  Therefore the Other Side has grown dormant.

I considered getting the laptop fixed, but the cost of having someone fix it isn't all that much less than replacing it.  I could do it myself, but unfortunately I am not quite as talented at fixing things as I am at breaking them.  Given that I was starting grad school soon, I went out and got a new one.

Buying a new laptop is always a difficult and stressful experience for me.  You remember that part about being good a breaking thing?  Small metal boxes filled with intricately laid out electronics is a specialty of mine.  Sadly laptops don't come certified as Joel proof.  You would thing that specs would include the processor speed after a laptop gets dropped a couple times, flipped thrice, and spilled upon, but alas they do not.  I'm left with a few options.  One is to get a Toughbook, a laptop built to hold up in a combat zone.  These however are exceedingly expensive, the price of several regular laptops.  Besides, while it may be able to withstand missile strikes, I present a whole 'nother challenge.  Another method is to go for really cheap laptops, assuming they will break anyway and I'll be replacing them soon.   This is rather annoying though and not necessarily cost effective.

I ended it up with U410 Lenovo Ultrabook which represents something of a midgrade.  Lenovo's are pretty sturdy* and this one features two hard drives a 500gb one for general use, a 32GB SSD designed to make your most common computer activities run really fast.  Plus it is a blue, so it has that going for too.  We shall see how it holds up.  In the meantime, I intend to resume our irregularly scheduled one way conversations.

*Though certainly not Joel proof.

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