Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Weddings Adventure Part V: Wedding in Paradise

We weren't just in Mexico to rest and relax in the sun.  We had important business to attend to.  We had to go to a wedding*

*On the beach, where we could rest and relax in the sun.

As we were getting dressed we started hearing music coming from the beach.  This was unnerving as we were concerned we were going to miss the ceremony.  We finished up and rushed down the hundred or so steps to get down to the beach.  It turns out, Jason, a groomsman, was just warming up his guitar, and we were amongst the first to arrive.

Paddy, our flight companion, was standing by the canopy, with an iPad in toe.  You see an iPad is not merely a device for taking funny pictures, but it can also be used to store text, say for a wedding ceremony.  Yes, Paddy wasn't merely in the wedding, he was presiding over it.

There were about 45 people at wedding.  Most were people from Alaska or the pacific northwest who worked in fishing in some capacity.  We were part of the Boston gamers*contingent.

*That is how everyone in their families knew us.  The Boston people who played games.

The groom and his groomsmen lined up and waited for the bridesmaids to descend the steps.  The bridesmaids wore sage dresses along with necklaces and earrings that Becky had designed.  As they made their way across the straw mats and reached Bo, he gave each one a high five.  Then Lia came down, accompandied by her father, and wearing a dress* that both of her mother and grandmother had worn before when they walked down the aisle.  No high five for her though, guess she wasn't special enough.

*Altered by Becky and Ellen, who had to take apart some parts that were ripping earlier in the day.

Paddy's ceremony was closer to a best man's speech then a traditional ceremony.  He talked about how Bo was like a big brother and how Lia was always perfect for Bo. Lia's dad, Eric, handled the more spiritual part of the ceremony.  He, being more of a traditionalist, read off of a laptop. They also included some personal touches.  They took sand from their Alaskan home and combined in with the sand on the beach to symbolize how they are now forever twined.

Bo and Lia wrote their own vows and managed to do it without seeming hokey, an impressive feat.  Bo promised to get a dog and occasional go for a morning run or do yoga, along with the love and cherish parts.  When Lia was done she stuffed her cue cards into Bo's pocket.  They exchanged rings, the groom's ring having been found in Mexico for $10 at a flea market. "By the power vested in me by absolutely no one," Paddy pronounced them husband and wife.  They proceeded with a kiss that I'm not sure has ended yet.

The party took place later on a patio upstairs.   The resort chose the DJ, which resulted in some interesting entertainment selections.  For instance, they set up a screen which featured MTV style music videos.  But don't think it wasn't personal, as Bo's and Lia's names were plastered on the screen, superimposed on whichever video was being played*

*We spent much time trying to figure out which one was Lia and which was Bo.

The best man, Logan, gave a toast, followed by Lia's brother Micha and Lia's dad*, and  .. On 2nd thought it would probably just be quicker to name the people who didn't give toasts, as there were over a dozen toasts.

*Eric talked about the time where Bo didn't realize that he was in the car and accidentally mooned him.

We sat next to some friends of Lia's from Seattle who she thought we might get along with*  The food wasn't particularly memorable other than some delicious cheese filled rolls.  Some of items did reappear in the restaurant in later days as part of their waste not philosophy.

*What you just bought Through the Ages?  Yes I am familiar. 

Micha stole the dance floor.  His technique would best be described as a robot with rhythm.  There were also a group of locals partying with us as well.  While in Mexico, Lily, Lia's sister, had become smitten with a guy she met.  Bo and Lia ended up inviting him and three of his friends to partake in their festivities.  Not to be outdone, Paddy, changed into a speedo and returned to the dance floor.  He then proceeded to lift to his girlfriend*, Anna, up, carry her to the pool, and jump in.  Having done his adult duty for the day, he was free to reign wild.

*Now fiance as he proposed later in their Mexico stay.  After Anna didn't object to being thrown into a pool in a dress there was little chance she would say no. 

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